Outer Wilds is the Epic-exclusive sci-fi game that isn’t The Outer Worlds. It debuted as an Epic exclusive on May 28th last year, so the Steam release will be coming shortly after Epic’s standard year ends. Developers Mobius Digital have made such a clever, interesting, and surprising little solar system full of puzzles and mystery. Here’s our Matthew’s video review full of praise, for starters: Or fans of the written word can turn to Brendy’s Outer Wilds review gushing “I have loved my time trekking across the dust or ice of these distant dirtballs, seeing the curvature on the horizon and wondering ‘what’s over there?’” Or read The Mechanic on the planet which falls apart. Or… look, it’s great. It’ll be on Steam on June 18th. Annapurna haven’t confirmed a GOG release but they do often release games they publish on there too, so there’s a chance.