Io Interactive have told GamesIndustryBiz “As the developer and publisher, we are immensely proud that we can say Hitman 3 is already profitable. We have recouped the total project costs in less than a week. That puts us in a really good place and allows us to confidently move forward with our ambitious plans for future projects.” Io elaborate, saying that this is the first full game in the series that the company has self-published. They believe that keeping marketing and PR working closely with the development team was a benefit to the game. Whether due to self-publishing or not, Hitman 3 seems to have come out a success. RPS’s Hitman 3 reivew praises the fantastic level design and dark humor in Io’s latest murder sandbox. “If you sat down 10 Hitman fans and told them to come to a consensus on the best level of the series, nobody would leave the room alive,” Brandan Caldwell says. “I’m glad to report Hitman 3 only adds to these arguments.” He also mentions that it feels like Io are flexing their murder muscles before taking on the James Bond game they’re set to work on next. That’s the primary reason, for my money, to celebrate Hitman 3’s financial solvency. Io are clearly capable of continuing to create their extremely detailed murder man stories all on their own, which can only be good news for the untitled 007 game that they’ll also be developing and publishing themselves. If you’re working your way through the newest Hitman ’em up right now, sneak your way over to our Dubai guide or Hitman 3 safe codes for a bit of intel on becoming a more efficient assassin.