Let’s start with the picture, because I like pictures, they’re nice: Here’s the official synopsis for season three, as shared by Netflix’s Witcher Twitter account: It was reported three months ago, alongside the release of season two, that the scripts for The Witcher’s third season were almost done. It’s a much shorter gap between seasons than there was between the first and second, where filming was delayed as a result of the Covid-19 panedemic. While Netflix’s adaptations are based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels and not the game, there’s obvious overlap. Last month CD Projekt Red confirmed that they were working on a fourth entry in their Witcher series, although the expectation is that it won’t star Geralt as the protagonist. If it’s Geralt you want, then you’ll have to settle for Henry Cavill in a wig. Here’s the trailer for season two to refresh your memory: