The next brutal gauntlet is Disgaea 6 Complete, with a newly announced released date of June 28th. There’s also a new character trailer below, which sets out its stall. Can you survive it? You died. Disgaea 6 Complete bundles the base game together - it launched on Switch and PS4 first - with its character and cosmetic DLC, and its arrival on PC will mean we now have the entire series. Aside from switching to 3D after five games of isometric 2D, Disgaea 6 follows the same formula as the previous games. It’s an RPG in which everything can be levelled: you, your gear, your squad of characters. You can dive into gear to have battles inside it to level it more, send your crew off on their adventures to level them, and spend hours theorycrafting in menus in between the actual battles. In between the menus and battles is, as I say, the world’s most obnoxious anime writing. “A zany adventure requires a zany cast of characters, and they don’t get any zanier than in Disgaea 6 Complete,” says the press release, and honestly, that’s all you need to know. Don’t trust anything that describes itself as “zany”. It means its loud and stupid. And yet, and yet, it’s got a lot of numbers that go up. I’ll play it. You can find more info on the Disgaea 6 Complete Steam page.